Increase your Business Productivity by Investing in Training

Increase your business productivity by investing in training E-Learning
Many employers are concerned about lost production time
and disruptions to business activities while
employees are away training.

They need to look past the short term inconveniences and see
the longer term  benefits of staff training.Training results in higher
returns than many other types of investments such as capital
equipment or new technology.

There is a body of evidence pointing to a positive relationship between training & productivity.

  • Educated employees are likely to bring new ideas and increased creativity into the workplace.
  • An MPI (Manufacturing Performance Institute) study of 1,000 manufacturing
    companies found that the median revenue per employee went up $31,000
    with an effective supervisory leadership training program
  • An ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) study found companies
    offering detailed staff training enjoyed a 24% higher profit margin than those
    with less comprehensive training.
  • Continuous learning especially with new technologies helps in gaining and
    maintaining a competitive edge in Business.
  • According to the ASTD, businesses investing in training have a higher
    income per employee of up to 218%
  • The University of North Texas and Wayland Baptist University found that
    manufacturing firms that implement solid leadership training programs
    average a 21% increase in productivity.

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From the above facts  we can see that there are intrinsic and measurable benefits
associated with having a well-educated and highly trained workforce.

The BSN Team.

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